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Silk Road

Designed and created a series of animated sequences inspired by film noir and Saul Bass’ "cut-paper" style for the docudrama, Silk Road.  The animation aimed to explain the technology behind the master plan to create “The Amazon of Illegal Drugs”, which promised it’s users complete anonymity, and total freedom from government regulation or scrutiny.

In 2011 a mysterious persona operating under the avatar the ‘Dread Pirate Roberts’ revealed himself as creator and administrator of a sensational new Dark Net website known as the ‘Silk Road’. Promising its users complete anonymity, and total freedom from government regulation or scrutiny, it became a billion-dollar digital cartel – “The Amazon of Illegal Drugs”.


The documentary aired in early August 2017 on prime time channels  BBC4 in the UK and A&E in the US.


Broadcasted: BBC4  and A&E.

Produced by: RAW TV 

Executive Producer: Mark Lewis

Animation :  David Zamorano, Rodrigo Rodriguez

Character Design: Rodrigo Rodriguez

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